Board Member Guest User Board Member Guest User

Nicole Chavas

A long-time casual urban biker, having kids led me to see mobility and transportation safety in a whole new light. After moving to Oak Park, we took the plunge into family cargo biking when I realized most of our car trips were less than two miles. Getting a cargo e-bike has enabled us to remain a one-car family and made it so much easier and more enjoyable to explore Oak Park!

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Board Member Judy Cheske Board Member Judy Cheske

Sylvia Schweri

Getting stuck in traffic way too much for a decade in LA still motivates me to leave the car behind. After moving around a lot for my career in art preservation and urban planning, I was happy to return home to Chicago in 2017 and find my new happy place in Oak Park. I am amazed at the degree to which how I move through world affects how I feel and reduces my carbon footprint; my goal is to help more people make this connection.

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Board Member Judy Cheske Board Member Judy Cheske

Rachel Poretsky

I am a mom of two small humans, a scientist, and a passionate, car-free cyclist and transportation advocate.

I grew up in a bikey family in Brooklyn, NY, moved around the U.S. for college and grad school, and settled in Oak Park in 2013.

These days, I transport my kids around town in our bakfiets.

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Board Member Judy Cheske Board Member Judy Cheske

Franny Ritchie

I moved to Oak Park in 2018 after seven years living in Cambridge, England, where I got my start in bicycle advocacy as the communications officer for the Cambridge Cycle Campaign. I am an avid local cyclist and can often be seen hauling my twins around in a Bakfiets cargo bike. I'm also a huge fan of the Frank Lloyd Wright 10k and an (extremely) amateur runner. I love walking and cycling in Oak Park!

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Board Member Judy Cheske Board Member Judy Cheske

Douglas Chien

A 20 year resident of SE Oak Park and still riding the same Bianchi hybrid bike he got in college in 1990. He worked for 20 years in the non-profit conservation sector and is currently an electrician with a small local company. He’s a native landscaping advocate and serves on the board of West Cook Wild Ones.

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Board Member Judy Cheske Board Member Judy Cheske

Jenna Holzberg

I am from Oak Park and chose to move back here with my husband to raise our family. I am passionate about workforce development and transportation equity. Oak Park is an amazing community and I want to make sure that all our neighbors feel safe, welcome and secure traveling around our village. You can often see me cruising around town, with my two kids on board, on my WorkcycleFr8 family bike!

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Board Member Karl Lauger Board Member Karl Lauger

Karl Lauger

I have spent more than twenty years walking, biking and running all over Oak Park. Biking has always been for me a great way to avoid sitting in a car in heavy traffic. Oak Park’s quiet residential streets provide many ways to get around by bike while avoiding congested streets. I’m excited about the enhancements planned by the Village that will make Oak Park safer for all users of our streets.

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