Mission and Vision

Our mission: to advocate for all community residents to have the safe and equitable access to streets within Oak Park - streets that prioritize pedestrians, bicycles, and other non-motorized transport. We promote the need to remove all barriers which exist that are inhibiting our community from accessing roadways and public spaces.

Our vision:

▪ An Oak Park where people of all backgrounds and abilities feel safe and empowered however and wherever they walk, bike, or roll.

▪ Streets in which all infrastructure improvements reflect Oak Park’s adopted Complete Streets Policy.

▪ A place where recommendations from Oak Park’s 2015 Neighborhood Greenways System Study are embraced, implemented, and consistently funded. 

▪ A Village-wide commitment to Vision Zero: any loss of life on our streets in unacceptable and preventable. The Village of Oak Park should commit to eliminating traffic fatalities by incorporating crash prevention measures on high-crash corridors.

▪ A system in which all pedestrian and cycling improvements are tracked through prioritization and performance metrics to ensure that they are meeting the needs of Oak Park residents.