Slow Streets Pilot

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In 2020 Oak Park joined dozens of cities across the country in implementing a Slow Streets program to enable safer recreation during the COVID-19 pandemic. Slow Streets was launched on August 3rd and ran through Oct. 16th, 2020. Bike Walk Oak Park worked with the Transportation Commission to develop the route, and advocated for the program’s passage before the Board of Trustees.

We selected a circuit of 4 streets in the Oak Park Greenways Plan already identified as ideal for cyclists and pedestrians. Using light infrastructure interventions to limit vehicular through-traffic and reduce traffic speeds, Slow Streets created space for people to walk, run, and bike at a safer physical distance. We circulated a petition in advance of the pilot’s approval which gathered almost 400 signatures of support!

The Village of Oak Park conducted a survey of the Slow Streets Pilot. Results from the survey demonstrated broad support of Slow Streets and a desire within the community to implement permanent bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. 61% of survey respondents strongly supported the Slow Streets initiative and 14% somewhat supported it, representing roughly 3/4th of the 915 responses.

We see Slow Streets as a successful test-drive of the Greenways network, and evidence of the desire and need for a permanent network that prioritizes cyclists and pedestrians.

Bike Walk Oak Park is advocating for Slow Streets 2021 but there is no current commitment from the Village of Oak Park. If you loved Slow Streets 2020 and would like to see it again for 2021, please email the Village Board at


Greenways Plan