Family Bike Riding Tips

Bike Walk Oak Park wants to encourage everyone, no matter their skill level, to get outside and ride.

Here is a compilation of tips for you to hit the Oak Park streets with your family and enjoy a cruise around our beautiful village!

  • A-B-C check - air in the tires, brakes in working order, plenty of lube on chain

  • Dress in layers so you and the kids can easily remove clothes as you get hot

  • SNACKS! Bring snacks and beverages so you can stop, rest and refuel

  • Pack a small first aid and, if possible, a small bike tool kit

  • Review the safety basics - teach how to brake slowly and then move on to hand signals

  • Keep guidance fun and simple - Our kids learn by doing, model safe riding behavior and don't overwhelm them with instruction

  • Pay attention to your kids cues - Are they slowing down? Complaining about being hot/tired? Take a break and rest for a bit

What about riding in wet or rainy conditions? Here are some tips to help get you to your destination, a little bit damp, but happy!

  • No bad weather, only bad gear: this is a famous Norwegian expression. If you have waterproof outer layers and warm inner layers, most of your body will be totally comfortable

  • Heading out in bad weather is a learned skill, like going to the gym. Once you start, it gets a lot easier

  • Especially if you're getting back into cycling after a long hiatus, start slow: give yourself a few minutes to practice braking and make sure you're comfortable with how fast you can come to a stop. It might take a little longer than in dry weather

  • If you don't have a rear fender, avoid puddles or prepare to get a wet/dirty backside: your rear wheel will spray road dirt


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